White Sugar - Slow Poison

For thousands of years as the humans body evolved, it was never designed to handle something like white sugar. It was only in the last 100 years, that we started consuming sugar and especially past few decades consumption of sugar is rising by leaps and bounds.

You walk into any food mall, the rows of racks are filled up with foodstuffs loaded with sugar. Sugar is present in various visible or hidden forms - Sugar, Invert Syrup, Glucose, Corn Syrup etc. There are endless line of products brimful with sugar - Chocolates, Cakes, Pastries, Donuts, Jams, Breakfast Cereals, Biscuits, Juices, Energy Drinks, Milk Shakes, Ice Creams, Fruit Kicks, even Sweetened Yogurts, ketch-ups and sauces !

Modern food processing industry knows your weakness for sugar, and they use it generously to make you a die hard addict. From toddlers to elders, we are addicted to sugar even more than a junks would be addict to cocaine. We Indian love sweets- its present everywhere - Burfis, Laddoos, Imarti, Jalebi, Pedhas, Kheers and mysorpas.

Dare to completely stop all sugar and all foods containing sugar even for few days, and you will get severe withdrawal symptoms including headaches and dizziness (something similar to withdrawal symptoms of Cocaine !) 

One should enjoy sweets once in a while but regular consumption is sure to cause many health problems including even serious ones over the years.

 How does white sugar acts as a slow poison and hidden killer

1) Inflammation 
2) Candida Overgrowth
3) Reduction of helpful Cholesterol - HDL Cholesterol
4) Compromised immune system
5) Sluggish blood causing Coronary Heart ailments


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