Detoxyfying your body

Health Blog

Detoxyfying your body

Thanks to our modern life style, we are exposed to a lot of toxins entering our body from -

Sources of Toxins -
  • Food contaminated with pesticides, fertilizers, heavy metals (mercury etc.)
  • Processed foods loaded with preservatives, artificial flavors and colorants 
  • Junk food - fries, chips, cakes, burgers, fried foods, red meat etc.
Toxins cause -
  • Inflammation leading to allergies that make us feel perpetually sick
  • Inflammation and overloading of lever, kidneys, pancreas and gall bladder may lead to their improper functioning or may even lead to their failure. 
  • Bloating and mucus formation in the colon leading to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), flatulence (gas) and other infection by hostile bacteria or candida fungus.
  • Give rise to what is called 'free radicals' that destroy good cells.
  • Continued inflammation may lead to cancerous cells and may even lead to cancer.
  • Gut and mind are directly related, hence it gives rise to foggy thinking, fatigue and insomnia (lack of sleep).
What is detoxifincation or detox

Detox is a special program lasting from 1 day to several week which helps us to flush out all the accumulated fat, grime, toxins from digestive track and organs including mainly colon, lever, pancreas, gall bladder. It rejuvenate your body. Gives you feeling of vitality and vigor. Cranks up your metabolism. It also helps to improve your mental alertness and peace.

Simple Detox programs

Our 5000 year old Ayurveda taught us the body-mind-soul connection through panchkarma (detoxification), yoga and meditation.

You may detoxify your body by any one of the following simple programs. They are arranged by order of difficulty -

  1. Avoid or minimize fast food, processed food and deep fried food and foods loaded with refined sugar. Cut out alcohol and smoking. Limit your exposure to atmoshperic toxins - pollution / cigarette smoke etc.
  2. Increase intake of raw foods like - papaya, guava, raw bottle guard, carrrots, cucumber, citrus fruits, apple etc. These not only cleanse your body but have powerful antioxidants that neutralize dangerous 'free radicals' 
  3. Take 1 table spoon Triphala Churna one hour after dinner, this will help easy bowel movement next day morning. Doing this over a month will clear your colon of stagnant waste.
  4. Observe 24 hour 'water fast' i.e. not taking any food including liquids but taking plenty of water and take 'Triphala Churna' in the morning and evening with lots of water. Do this at least once a month.
  5. Eat only fruits and vegetables for 7 days at a stretch.
  6. Do intermittent fasting for 3 weeks i.e. one day no restriction of any kind on foods you eat and next day taking only raw food like raw vegetables and raw fruits and nuts etc.  
Give this a try and see the difference it makes to your general well being -
  1.  Foggy thinking, fatigue, attention deficit, irritation will disappear
  2. You will feel light and energetic
  3. All stomach related issues, irritability, irregular bowel movement will vanish
  4. Your vital organs like lever, kidney and even heart would not only be protected but will function with full efficiency.
  5. Your body will readily absorb all the nutrients from the food you eat. 

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